Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stinky Dogs

I wonder why dogs love to roll in shit and dead animals. Does anyone know the answer to this? I mean, shit stinks, even to dogs it must stink. Yet, time and time again they will look for a pile of shit and roll in it, preferably raccoon shit. I think that raccoon shit has to be the stinkiest smell there is going. They'll eat cow shit, but not very often will they roll in it. They prefer the smell of raccoon shit. I don't know have I said the word shit enough? OK, lets move on to the smell of dead animals. If you have never smelt the smell of a dead animal (or anything dead for that matter) you just have not lived... lived to realize how much death smells... real bad. My dogs have a tenacity for killing raccoons (don't bother e-mailing me to complain, there are more than enough left over for you to hit with your car late at night as you make your way home from the pub). See they will kill them and then leave them for about 2 or 3 months and then go and drag the rubberized remains back to the yard for me to find. It is the smell that leads the way, not the sight of the mangled bits of twisted, rotting flesh, with the resplendent vicious grin of teeth exposed by the shrinking flesh. Oh no, it is the stench that tells the tale. I have several shampoos and orange scented lotions that I wash the dogs with, they are indignant as I lather and rinse and tell them off in the sink for rolling in the perfume of their choice. I can only imagine what they think of my smell... I too like to roll in the perfume of my choice. I save up all those tear open samples from the magazines and lay them all over the floorthen roll around in them. I find it is the best way to get the scent evenly spread from top to bottom. I however, do not like the smell of death and decay, I rather prefer the scent of lilacs and vanilla not to mention cinnamon and day lilies... but wait, you could almost say that that could be the smell of death, or at the very least the attempt to cover the smell of death. I think that you would find all of those scents at the next funeral you were to go to, bouquets of roses, lilacs,freesia and carnations suffocating the mourners with thier heavy perfume. Maybe we aren't so different from the dogs, maybe they are more realistic than we are, they don't shun the truth of death and dying, they embrace it. Well, I don't shun the thought of death it is a fact of life, but I would rather smell the cover up than the cold hard truth.
Sniffing off till the morrow,
cat x


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