Friday, March 5, 2010


Do you remember when you were a kid and you were really hoping that you would get that pony for your birthday that you asked for? But you didn't. Some days are like that when you are an adult. Some days you spring out of bed ready for a great day, I mean the sun is shining, the north wind is not too to cold and there is the promise of maybe something goods gonna happen that day. Well, just like the pony that doesn't show up on your birthday, adults have disappointment in their days too. I can't really tell you what disappointment happened to me, Ruffel would get his nose out of joint, but ... The only thing with being an adult and having a disappointment is that you can buy wine... lots of it. Not that I will drink it all in one go, but at least I know that it is there in case I have a group of partiers show up... one can only hope! So why do we as adults let ourselves be disappointed? I mean we have enough life experiences that we should realize that it really is "same shit, different day". As a kid you never really expect anything to happen other than the usual, like breakfast at 7:15, lunch at noon, snack at 2:45 and dinner at 6:00, bedtime is 8:30, then you repeat the same routine the next day, just throw in school, hanging with friends maybe some sort of sport activity and a little TV for good measure. Pretty simple life, no high expectations like respect, valour, appreciation, just the basics. Some days I would love to be the kid again, other days when things are great as an adult, you couldn't give me all the tea in China to be a kid again, even with all the smooth tight skin that I remember having as a kid. I could never understand the dream of a fountain of youth, but now that I am in the desert of older age, I understand fully the need for a long cold drink from that fountain. Ah well, it could be worse... couldn't it?
Yours in wrinkle ship,
Cat x
P.S. If you were wondering why I didn't blog yesterday, send me an e-mail and I will tell you all about it.


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