Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mundane Monday

Back to the start of the work week. Monday is one of those days that is a catch 22. First it is back to work after the weekend and you are feeling dismal at the thought of putting in another four hours (just joking j) and yet feel elated as you are on your way to another weekend. Monday is the day that feelings, emotions and just general "being" can be helter skelter. For instance, my Munday. Work was great, no problems, sun shining everyone happy... beauty. Ruffel went away overnight to his friend Bert's ... even better... no supper to cook. However, Munday I take the kid up to Collingwood for his Kumon (math) so I have to pick him up from school to get him there on time. I go to his school (I am running 10 minutes behind) to get him and go to pull into the parking lot. There is a school bus parked there and they are in the process of erecting little pylons, I'm thinking, Oh, bus must have a problem. The bus driver sees me and shakes his head no as to not come into that area, OK, I will wheel around and go in the other entrance which is about 25 feet away. This bus driver comes running towards me yelling and shaking his head again. I stop and back up and pull in to where there is about 20 feet of space behind the pylons and the bus. I park and get out of my car, I have one foot on the ground and this guy goes ballistic on me. He is a foot away from me screaming "You People! you cause problems, get out of the parking lot, get on the street, ROAR, ROAR, ROAR. Well, I was quite taken aback, never mind pissed off. My car was not in the way, is the school zone not supposed to be a safety zone? With a maniac like that loose on the grounds I am thinking that the school has gone off the safety grid. Now, all this guy had to say to me was "Excuse me, you can't park here, it causes congestion and is dangerous for the kids, could you please park on the road." If he had put it that way, no problem. But due to the fact that he went all crazy and psycho on me, I have no choice but to lodge a formal complaint against this asshole. See, you give a peon one iota of "power" and they turn into the Hitler of bus drivers. He's a fucking bus driver not the President of the United States for christ's sake. So, after that little escapade I make my way up to Collingwood, realizing en route that I have forgotten to bring the papers of work that the kid has done all week... crap... but I carry on any way. Take him into the Kumon center and explain to the lady in charge my forgetfulness, and tell her that the kid needs some extra help as he is just not getting the work. No problem. I think to myself "Self, I think you need a skinny latte from Starbucks to calm your nerves" so off I go down the road to get one. Now if you have never been to Collingwood let me tell you, it is the Innsbruck, Austria of Ontario. There are frigging skiers from everywhere here, especially now that it is spring skiing session. My luck I get behind an Audi full of them in the lineup. Then I realize that I picked the wrong time to get a coffee at the drive thru, the Audi has turned off its engine and the occupants are all piling out in front of the pick up window and start to do callisthenics ( jumping jacks, side bends, sky reaches etc) this goes one for a full 10 minutes. WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY ORDER? A drive thru is just that, a drive thru, the title says it all. It doesn't say, order a nine course meal and lets do a workout while you wait. By this point my afternoon is so crap that I can do nothing but sit and wait. There are others behind me so it's not like I can just back up and leave, which I would have done if i would have been able to. Oh well. I finally get my coffee which burps foam all over my arm and my white coat and down the console of the car... I should have expected nothing less. You would think that getting home would be a sigh at the end of the day, but like I said it is springlike here and every year at this time the house starts to cry internally. The kid has not been able to sleep in his bed for over a week, there is a bucket set up in the garage and one of my nice towel laying on the basement floor catching all the water rolling in there. Funny thing, when you put a roof on a house (Ruffel and his buddies did this) and there are 3 components to the kit... if you were left with one of the components at the end of the installation would you not wonder what the extra thing was for? Well is your name is Ruffel, you just crack open a beer, laugh about the extra bits and toast your buddies to a job well done. This spring ritual of christening the inside of the house with the winter melt has been going on for FIVE YEARS. But if something doesn't affect Ruffel directly, he just ignores it and hopes that it will go away. Yep, it was just a perfect Munday as far as I could see. Welcome to my world.
Dismally yours,
Cat x


At March 9, 2010 at 2:11 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

That roof is so funny, I can't believe Russel watches it happen every year and doesn't fix it. Maybe put a drip into his dump truck and see if it moves him to action?


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