Friday, February 26, 2010

Passion, do you have it?

"If you can't be passionate about something or someone, you shouldn't even have that in your life because you're stealing the experience from them and from you."
Jay Abraham
Quite a strong statement I thought, though very true. Passion is what makes us tick. If you are not passionate about something (or someone) why would we even bother getting out of bed in the morning. It seems that all to many of us go through life not realizing what our passion(s) is. I am reading a great book called the Passion Test, it really opens your eyes to the world around you. I highly recommend it. There are many ways to determine what your passion is and how to obtain it. Also there are many explanations as to why so many people never realize or even worse ever attain their passion. Passion is not just about love as in a physical sense, but what makes your world go 'round, what makes your life worth living. The rules for determining your passion or passions are very easy. I am not going to tell them to you, you have to read the book. It's not a big book, but it has a lot of big ideas, and even better gives you the tools to build a passageway to your passion. One other notation from the book is "when you feel truly passionate about something, you will always have the ability to create it in your life". If you have kids it is never to early to get them on the idea of defining their passion (it will change daily, weekly, maybe even hourly) but it makes them aware of the control that they have over their lives. A strong moral to instill in an emerging life. Read the book, it will open your eyes to your abilities, reawaken your dreams, and define your mistakes. Life isn't easy so every little bit of direction or thought provocation is a great help. One thing the book says is that sleep is a great medication for the tired soul... this tired soul is taking that bit of advice to heart.
Good night... tomorrow is a new day... another chance to get something right.
Dreamily yours,
Cat x


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