Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I have a saying, "I come from a long line of dead people", I mean how true is that? Almost all of my ancestors are long dead. I still have family. My cousins,my siblings, my son, my grandson... they are the living connections of family. Where would be without our family? Probably happy with our friends and pets. The thing with family is that no matter where you go they are always there. Every little particle of you is made up of them. I just finished watching a very silly movie, I'm too embarrassed to tell you the name of it, it was so stupid. But what this movie did was remind me of my family roots... hmmm, that doesn't sound quite right... what I mean to say is this movie was full of family and the surprise connections that it shows. Sometimes you don't even realize who is part of your family until you see a flash of resemblance. I looked in the mirror tonight and saw a flash of my mother standing there, it totally unearthed me as I felt for a moment like I was not even me. Creepy. Only goes to show that we are who we are because of who has been. I don't know a lot about my family roots, there is little information to go on from the English side. The Swedish side has a bit more, but not much. My auntie in Stockholm has a theory that my grandfather (her father) is actually a bastard son of the Royal Swedish family. A theory I love and am going to hang on forever. It seems that my great grandmother was a " lady of the night" for the upper crust. No standing on the street corner waiting for any old horse and cart to roll by, no way, only the golden carriage and court yard would suit her. I wonder if there is a way to find out the truth? Do I really want to know the truth? Naw, if I found out that great granny was just a two bit so and so there would be no glamorous speculation left now would there? I will carry on thinking that we are some how lineal to the throne. Now my good friend "J" can claim direct lineage to the throne, the porcelain throne that is. She is a direct descendant of the inventor of the toilet, none other than Thomas Crapper, hence the name, the crapper, not to be confused with the clapper. Although I wish there was a crapper that would flush with the sound of clapping... just something to think about.
Majestically yours,
Cat x


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