Thursday, February 25, 2010


The last few days have been rather spring like here in the northern country. I and many others thought, "Oh, maybe the worst of winter is behind us" hmmmm, well mother nature must be PMSing 'cause she is throwing a fit of snow and howling winds at us. I live on the top of a hill and when the wind blows in from the north (like it is) the roof of the house makes a vibrating noise, this noise almost sounds like someone saying "shhhhiiiiiitttttt" then I realize that no, it is just me. I hate the wind. Yes, you are right C I am complaining. I would much rather be in Paris sitting in a little Bistro just off the Champs De Elyse's sipping a cafe Au lait and watching all the beautiful people stroll by. It is thoughts and dreams such as these that help me get through these sorts of nights of howling winds, I don't think the winds ever howl in Paris, well, unless you are up the Eiffel then they do howl a bit. A friend of mine is heading of to Paris next week, I am so jealous, I would love to go, even if it meant carrying her luggage for her and ironing her socks, anything to be in the city of lights and love... love of all things French. Oh well, maybe I will just call up a couple of my friends and meet up at Chez Michels again, going there filled me with " la joie de vivre" or in Italian," La Dolce Vita" any way you say it it has to sound better than " another 15 - 25 Cm's expected with high winds making for impossible visibility. SSSShhhhhhhiiiiittttttt, did you hear that in the winds? That time I did, defiantly time to head to bed and pull the blankets over my head.

Till next time, breezily yours,

Cat x


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