Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sucked Dry

We are finally in the last throes of January. True to winters form it is bitterly cold. I hate the cold weather. Not just for the obvious reason of it is just bloody cold, but also because the cold just sucks every ounce of energy out of me. All I can think of is getting warm, and keeping warm. It consumes my every thought, almost like an alcoholic thinking of where their next drink is going to come from, my thoughts are "Man, am I cold" " I hope Russel put lots of wood in the wood stove" "I don't think Russel turned the heat on" "Where is that Russel, putting more wood in the stove I hope". Poor Russel, I keep trying to talk him into moving to a more temperate climate (read here, scorching hot) but problem is Russel hates the heat. He hates it real bad. I know, poor grammar, but just need to get my point across. As soon as the thermometer hits 58F (just can't wrap my head around Celsius, never sounds hot enough. I mean 25c, that just doesn't sound that hot, not as hot as 97F in the shade!) Russel is sweating bullets, wants the air conditioning on every where he goes, talks about the "heat wave" we are having. What! it's only 58F, barely warm enough to take off one of my three pairs of socks that I wear 8 1/2 months of the year, never mind the long underwear. So, here is one of the main differences between man and woman. Men are hot, women are ice queens. I will be the first to admit that this is true. The only good thing about this is that when heat and ice mix, someones going to melt. I put my money on Russel. Just a thought for today, stay warm with someone hot... if not, there are more socks in the drawer.
Chilling for now,
Cat x


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