Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Loved Punk Rock

Right, the time is sometime in the late '70's early 80's, I am trying desperately to get my hair just the right shade of purple... you know, not dark, but more of a lilac shade. Yep, I was a wanna be punker. I didn't go to the extreme of piercing all notable body parts (not that early in my life anyway),just the hair colour, the clothing, and most importantly, the attitude. Buck the system, walk with your head held high, daring, yes, daring anyone to question your motive in life and ta-da, I'd let them have it! Not really, remember I started the story with "wanna be". I was raised in a stiff upper lip Victorian/Navy type household, no way was I going to get away with that sort of "to hell with you" attitude. The purple hair, well, I was a hairdresser so I was always fiddling with cut and colour. The music, hmmm, my fav were the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Fabulous Pink Poodles (what! ya never heard of them, where have you been?), B-52's, Ramones, New York Dolls ah... the good old days. The days when you went out to buy the latest vinyl (round, not S&M gear) none of this downloading onto your I-Pod, you actually listened to the music, let it fill your space, your mind, your atmosphere. So why all this talk of punk rock and youth? Well, I stumbled upon a fellow named Pete Haynes. He was the drummer in a band called the Lurkers. They were around in the 70's and were one of the first in the series of punk bands. If you google them you will find them on you-tube. Anyhow, this fellow Pete Haynes has a blog and has written some books. One of the books is called "God's Lonely Men" it is about the early days of the Lurkers. It is quite amusing and rallied 'round all my fond memories of my youth, that alone is worth reading the book for. Also, I wonder if this bloke could be a relation of mine. I have a brother named Peter, who was named after my uncle, Peter. I will have to do some more research on the family plantation and see what sort of connection I can make. Till then I will just plug in the earphones (yes we are now a member of the I-Pod generation) and listen to some of my old favs, and try to squeeze into my old pair of black stovepipe pants and slip on a pair of hot pink pumps... hmmm, wonder if I can get the grey hair to morph into a nice shade of lilac, EGADS!... Nanna used to have lilac hair the odd time and she was in her 80's, maybe times aren't so different after all.
Till next time, keep your hair on,
Cheers, Cat x


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