Tuesday, February 16, 2010

All Right I'll Admit It

OK, so I complained about the Olympics and the waste of tax payers money... but... tonight I fell into the "oh's ... ah's" of watching the male figure skaters. How do they make it look so easy? I don't see any wings on their skates, yet they seem to fly through the air with the greatest of ease. They do those sow cow, flying camels, eye of the needle things like it's as easy as brushing your hair. I don't think it is though. Do you see how their chests heave while they sit and wait for their scores? I had to laugh at Ruffel... he has taken up skating. Oh, I'm not laughing at that. What I find funny is that while we were watching some of the women's speed skating (short track) he asked "what's the matter with them, can they not stand up straight?" This is after the race, and they are circling round the track trying to work the lactic acid out of their thunderous thighs, and trying to get their heart rate down, and get their breath back. So gotta hand it to Ruffel, he does two and half laps ( 183 yards) and he has no problem standing up straight, mind you it has taken him 23 minutes... but I still give him a medal for trying. I won't put my skates on, I'm too afraid of falling. I watch those men on the ice and I am struck not only by the beauty of the skating but the bravery of those twirls and jumps. I can only imagine how much pain they must have gone through to get to this point in their careers. So I will watch with amazement the skating action not only on the TV but also out my front window as Ruffel goes another round with the blades. Glide on brother...glide on.
Tuning out for now,
Cat x


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