Monday, February 15, 2010

Moving Day

Don't you just hate the act of moving. Sure it can be exciting to be moving into a new zone. A new apartment, house, castle or even just a time zone. However the process of moving is exhausting. It is amazing how much "stuff" we accumulate in our lives. I admire the person who can look at and enjoy something for a short while and then be done with it. Whether they pass the object on to someone else to enjoy or just trash it, they have the strength to just "let go". I do not have that strength. I have lots of "stuff" that I just do not have the heart to let go of. Till you have a day of total frustration of not being able to find something that you are looking for or are quite frankly fed up with trying to find space for everything to fit into. There is also the issue of dusting. There is nothing like a move to clear the cobwebs and realize just how dirty/dusty the place is you are living in or for that matter working in. So why do we hold onto so many things that we just don't need? Is it because it used to belong to someone who was very important in your life who is no longer around? Is it because it is something that you feel that you just "might need" one day? How many times have you gone on a cleaning binge just to find that , "damn, I just threw that out last week, I knew I should have kept it". Well chances are that that just does not happen, or very rarely any ways. No, I think that everyone should move every couple of years, just for the sake of a good clean out and up. In my lifetime thus far I have moved no less than 35 times, and I am only 50 years old. That is more than the average person, I am thinking. These moves have been across continents, oceans and between mere blocks. Today was the moving day of the clinic that I work in. It wasn't too bad of a move... for me. However, the doc that I work for has/had his work cut out for him. This move represents many things for him. A new building, recently renovated and offering a huge work space. Cool updates, there is a bath for dog washing. The floor is high tech like rubber tiles, like what you find in the fancy garages. They will be a bitch to keep clean, but they look good. I think I will get a supply of Polynesian slippers for people to slip into when they come through the door. The phone won't be in the new place till Friday, so it will be a challenge to handle the inquiries. A huge inspection this week which added to the drama of a move. But the place looks great and bright and a new start. I congratulate the doc on his design concept and his ability to weed out some of the old and expandualte on the new. Cheers to you and continued success in your endeavours!

See you in the am... can hardly wait to get my own key.

Clinically yours,



At February 16, 2010 at 2:24 PM , Blogger Pete Haynes said...

Cat, just read your comment on my blog - maybe we are related - I'm pleased you liked what you read - the books, there three that are published, are on my site. Where do you live and when did you leave London? Good luck with what you're doing, and best wishes, Pete (Haynes)


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