Friday, February 19, 2010

I had my reasons...

Sometimes stuff happens and you get sucked into a vortex of activity from which you cannot escape... or even more importantly... you don't want to escape from... if you catch my drift. My good friend C said that I only seemed to complain on my blog, hmmm, I thought I was only making my feelings known. I guess that comes back to the old saying of "is the glass half full, or half empty?" I like to think that I go through life thinking that my glass is half full. Really, there are many aspects of my life that I love... I just have a hard time remembering them some times. One thing that I do love though is socializing. I love a good story. I love to laugh. There are people on this planet who make me laugh... out loud, as in really loud. My good friend C is one of them. The guy in this photo is another, I would tell you who he is, but I have to protect the innocent, namely me! Ah, he is a funny guy with funny ideas and tells a funny story. The funniest thing of all though is that he is dead serious with his tales. He has a medical problem that involves a certain testicular area of his, well, testicular area. He will tell anyone, and I mean just about anyone, in great detail about his "tethering" as he calls it. I feel for him, he is in pain. He has tried to have it fixed, but, it is still not right. I have never seen it, don't need to, but the description of said problem is enough to make me feel giddy with relief that I am a woman. Enough said. This fellow also loves to analyze. He will sit and compound a formula that is neurophysist worthy on how to get his way, he always seems to come out on top. He is also pretty graphic in his description of people that he does not like or people who have crossed him. His favorite word is the female "c" word (rhymes with punt). He will use the female "c" word (rhymes with runt) several times. I hate the female "c" word (rhymes with bunt) I hate it more than the male "p" word (rhymes with Venus)ugh. The descriptive assassination of said perpetrators of crossing (pissing him off) will also be littered with the "f" word (rhymes with puck) just to drive home the point... ha ha, drive home the point, sometimes I even amaze myself. If you're still wondering what I am talking about read it again. Anyway the long gist of this story is that this fellow and a couple of other of Ruffel's friends came over last night. They had been away at the farm show in the city and decided to unwind their aching feet by pouring whiskey and beer down their throats. I had to ask the DD, how it felt sitting on the outside of that circle looking in, he said in a somber voice, "It is a little different." That would be an understatement. Needless to say the day wore into evening, wore into a new day, wore into dawn. So be it. You only live once. I needed the laugh. Most of the company was very easy to look at and I learned many new things, most of which I can't remember. I really am no good at seeing in the early dawn hours and still try to function. So you see, I really did have my reasons for not writing yesterday.
But I am back at it today...
reasonably yours,
Cat x


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