Monday, February 22, 2010

Horoscopes- fact or fiction?

I read my horoscope everyday. I don't do anything that I am warned about by Georgia Nicols. For instance, she says, "today it is OK to spend 10$ or 10 million" or she will say, "do not make any major decisions between 4:12 a.m. and 9:37 p.m. Trust me, you want to do what she says. There has been the odd time when I have not followed her advice (really the stars advice) and there has been hell to pay. I have the year ahead of me printed out too. There are some generalizations, there are bound to be, but one thing she said is that I am going to have a vacation this year. I will travel somewhere and it will be great. She is right again! For my birthday my sister gave me a trip anywhere in the world, so we are going to go to Sweden in November some time. November in Stockholm is beautiful. The lights glowing, the candles in all the restaurants, the cobblestone streets of Old Town, and it is pitch dark by 2:30 in the afternoon. It is so strange to walk down the streets (they are packed) and you are thinking, wow, why are all these people out walking around in the middle of the night? In fact why am I walking around in the middle of the night? Oh right, it is only 2:48 in the afternoon. Stockholm is a great city, there is so much activity. The market square full of flowers,Christmas decorations, food stuffs, hot Glogg, and of course the selection of Swedish football sweaters. I bought a load of really neat postcards with old fashioned art of Tomtin ( a little gnome fellow in a red hat). There was a Royal marching band going up and down the main shopping line, stopping every few minutes to do some shouting and making us all laugh, no idea what he was saying, but it must have been funny as all the Swedes were laughing. The leader had a huge white moustache that curled all round his rosy cheeks, just looking at him made you smile. He was very exaggerated in his walk and mannerisms, maybe that is what they were all laughing at. Stockholm, I can hardly wait to see you again. Till November, Hej do och sova bra!
Cat x


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