Monday, January 25, 2010

A Technical Update

After spending 15 minutes with "Emily" the computer voice which is almost set to take over the world, I have fixed my Internet Connection. After listening to all the advice from India and going through the underwear of my computer I still had no luck on being connected. With a large disgruntled sigh( intermingled with some colourful metaphors) and a extra large cup of tea at my side I decided to dial 911 yet again, this comes in the form of 310-BELL. I patiently and nicely said "English" then pressed 1 to get me to another menu to press 1 to get me to the next menu, then pressed 1 to carry on to the next level to press 2 because I missed half the options of the previous menu to press 1 to hear exactly what I should have done in the first place, the most logical thing to do when it comes to anything technological... yep.... just unplug the s.o.b. count to 100 and plug it back in again. Don't know why this works but it does. Phew, I am exhausted by all this extra work of getting something that I need so badly, to make my day complete.
Unplugging till tomorrow,
Cat x


At January 25, 2010 at 2:21 PM , Blogger Cat Haynes said...

I encourage you to comment. I would love to hear your thoughts, both positive and negative, it is the only way I can improve on my writing.
Thanks Cat

At January 26, 2010 at 7:53 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Shit.... I just spent twenty minutes writting the most whitty response to your blog ever in the entire world as we know it.
Then something wonderous happened. A new page poped up wanting to sell me penis enlargment exercises, and french ticklers.
I was so taken back. I lost my train of thought, oh well great blog anyway.

Mahogany Wood


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