Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleep in Living Colour and Stereo Sound

I saw the funniest thing today. Apparently there is this fellow in London who talks every night in his sleep. He says the strangest things. Even stranger is that his wife has set up a voice activated recorder to record him (and her) every night. She also has a blog (haven't found it yet, will pass it on to you when I do) where she posts the things that he says. She has even had T-shirts made with the funny things that he says. For example, he will say "Elephants in thongs, that would be a sight" Actually, I think I have seen a couple of those... elephants in thongs that is. Then there was the line " Vampire penguins and zombie guinea pigs... now we're done for". I think this fellow must drink a little before he goes to bed, that plus he must have an amazing imagination (I am very jealous). I wish that there was a way to record the dreams that we have, as if it were a film playing and the recorder were attached to our brain. All the images would be flashed across a screen for our viewing pleasure whenever we wanted to relive some of our wildest dreams. Just think of all the new material for Hollywood, not to mention the porn film makers as well (yeah right, everyone has those sorts of dreams, I don't care what your religion is!). The interesting thing about dreams is that although we think that they go on for hours, they really are only snippets, literally seconds long. Sleep is a complicated process for the body and the mind. Sleep is supposed to be a time of healing and recuperating, yet sometimes when I wake up I feel as though I have run a marathon or feel as thought I have been run over by a very large truck... then I realize that I have been in a battle the whole night, a battle against vampire penguins and zombie guinea pigs. I really am done for.
Sleep well my lovelies and sweet dreams... careful what you say or what you think just before you close your eyes and nod off.
Cat x


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