Monday, January 25, 2010

Technical PhooPhoo

I am aghast with myself for becoming so reliant on technology. Here I set a resolution of meeting my own criterion for a successful year of rambling writings only to be shat on by the gods who run my Internet service. Where I live (also known as the middle of b*tt f*ck nowhere) the Internet connection has a bad habit of acting up when the weather gets wet. Good thing I don't use this provider and live in the rain forest. Anyway, that is why I have not been able to post for the last couple of days. Well my life at times moves at the speed of a cat escaping China Town and at other times like a dog picking his way along a crab infested beach, there can be no rhyme or reason for these differences. The work week always has its hectic moments most work does... except maybe the funeral home, I mean really, what's the rush, they're not going anywhere. The longer you prolong the service/memorial the longer total strangers bring you casseroles to console you. This is something that I have come to realize about food. Food is not about eating for the health and maintenance that food gives us, it is all about the feeling of comfort and happiness, and dare I say it, the fullness. If you look at all the fairy tales they have one common element. The peasant in the tale is always looking to get a wish for doing a good deed. The peasant always wishes for the same thing... food, something to eat. Sometimes as in an example of a German Fairy tale the farmer gets his wish (3 actually) and for his first wish he asks for a sausage. His wife standing next to him is furious that he wasted his first wish on a sausage and scolds him (the female peasant is always the smarter one in the story). The husband not to be offended and shown up by his wife's outburst calmly makes his second wish... that his wife's nose would turn into a sausage. Poof! The once lovely woman now has a sausage on her nose. She is distraught that 1) she has a sausage for a nose and 2) that her husband would even do this to her. The husband is full of remorse almost immediately after making his wish and quickly uses his last wish to change his wife's nose back to its former button glory. In the history of Europe the battles have all come down to being won or lost on the hunger of the peoples. Hungry, unhappy people and you have a recipe for disaster, not to mention a lot of funerals.
Till next time, may your cupboard be full.
Cheers, Cat x


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