Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A River Runs Out of It

Don't you just hate having a cold? I mean when you have a cold there is just no way to disguise it. You try to delicately wipe the constant stream of clear (or worst case scenario- green) liquid that flows like a spring stream out of either one or both nostrils. The feeling that your head is about to explode from the pressure that is building up in your sinus's. The sneezing that instead of the usual delicate , achoo, sounds more like - WHAPACHOOEEE!!! The sneezing is constant for the first few hours of the "cold", I now know what Cyrano De Bergerac would have felt like if he went on a tour of a pepper factory. Your forehead can't decide whether it wants to bead with perspiration (but more like sweat) or break out in goosebumps. Your body is engaged in full blown battle with all the nasty little mucus guys that we have all seen on those TV commercials. I think that when we are having a mild heat stroke that is the "heat" of the battle, the cold snap right after is your innards gathering all the dead "soldiers" to dump into your lungs so you can spend endless nights barking like a dog that thinks he can hear predators outside his door. I wish someone would invent a cure for the common cold. When that cure is found I am buying as much stock as I can. That would be one of the greatest cures developed, probably the greatest in the history of inventing cures for what ails man. Snot isn't funny, it is everywhere, even where you least expect it. Gonna shake hands with someone, hmmm, snot likely. Gonna give someone a hug, snot loves ya. Yep, that snot could be a lethal weapon, in fact I think it has been. So the common cold, the lowliest of ailments but such a pain in the... nose. But, rest assured you won't catch my cold over the Internet by reading my blog. If we meet in the street or at the cafe you'll know its me 'cause I'll be the one with the big red nose and a wicked bark. Till next time, be happy if you don't have a cold.
Snottily yours (literally)
Cat x


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