Friday, January 1, 2010

First day of my blog

Well here it is the first day of a new year. The snow is blowing straight in from the bay. My son has just asked me if I want to go out snowshoeing. I would love to but I hate winter. Why would I want to leave the warmth of this house to battle the elements all in the name of ? fun? exercise? bonding? Hmmm, maybe I should just be wonder woman and put on the snow shoes and curse all the way out to the 6th line and back. There will be no respite from the howling wind and blowing snow as it will hit me from the side the whole time. I mentioned the idea to the dogs but they seem to have the same attitude as I do...only one of them answered me with a huge yawn. Actually, I think one of them farted too, either that or it is just the scent of the brocolli soup I made for lunch still hanging in the air.
I'll let you know tomorrow what I decided to do, till then, be happy where you are.



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